domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2007

Un agarimoso saúdo os nosos irmáns galeses de Caerfyrddin


Dear friends:
We are very pleased to be here representing the first stage in this long way which will lead us to the achievement of the objetives of the brotherhood between our towns.
It is not easy to get constancy in the social relations among people.
Usually, the people who carry the burden of the management of these brotherhoods are not available all the time due to the fact that we have to solve the problem of our communities and -we also have- to work in our daily jobs. This situation provokes that the evolution of our committees goes according to the free time our own social duties let us.
But nowadays we live in the Communications Era and distances are short.
We are sure that our two towns, due to their common Atlantic heritage and Celtic Origin, will be able to overcome the difficulties of the geographic, social and economic distances that separate us.
The confluence between our towns -underlining the affinities- and the interest in learning from the others will make us wiser and more free.
Finally, I call on everybody here we have already met to develop this friendship that has just born.
Because this friendship and the evolution of our personal relations will have an influence on the creation of a mutal understanding for the future team work between our committees.
This mutual understanding will give us a constant, effective and creative work guide line which will provide the evolution of the project we are creating nowadays.

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